Danielle is an herbal practitioner who offers in-depth consultations, taking into account all aspects of a person's life. Her services include:
Consultations - personal interviews, typically lasting 1.5 hr. The assessment covers your
current concerns, health history, diet, and basic lifestyle issues.
Botanical Formulations - prepared according to your individual needs.
Research - delve deeper into special topics; tutorials available.
Teaching - Danielle is the U.S. Liaison and Tutor for ICOHM, offering hands-on and distance tutorials for several courses. Visit www.herbcollege.com for more info.
All services are offered for a fee and are not covered by any insurance. They are not meant to replace or compete with services provided by other healthcare practitioners, rather to support and assist other modalities you have chosen to use. You are not obligated to use any herbal product, and Danielle is not a distributor for any particular herbal manufacturer.